Monday, March 4, 2019

Gary Con XI Swag

If you'll be at Gary Con XI this week, be sure to keep an eye out for some exclusive Tuesday Night Fiend Club swag! I've got Star Crawl Stickers, TNFC/ Pittsburgh DCC poker chips, and a special mini-zine (more on that below). I'll have some of each for every player in the games I'm running, plus a bunch to hand out to folks I meet.

The stickers & chips will only be available in person, but you can get the Random Alien Generator mini-zine right now!
Star Crawl Random Alien Generator Mini-Zine
For best results,change the print settings to print actual size (don't shrink to fit).
Once printed, follow the folding instructions below (if you have any trouble, do a search for "folding minizine": this is a pretty standard layout).

Image result for folded zine